제 목 : What is responsible for your good health?
이 름  |     운영자 작성일  |   2012-01-25
파일  |     조회수  |   22454
What is responsible for your good health?
건강의 비결이 뭐예요?
<오늘의 테마회화 >
John: May, how was your afternoon? Didn't you say that you were going to get together with Ted?
May: Oh, yeah. We met around noon and had lunch together. We had a great time catching up with each other.
John: Gosh, I haven't seen him for years. It would have been nice if I were able to go with you.
May: Well, I told him that you couldn't make it, although you really wanted to see him. He understood.
John: Has he changed at all?
May: He has! He looked perfectly fit, so I almost didn't recognize him.
John: Really? I remember he wasn't very healthy looking.
May: I know. I asked him what is responsible for his good health. He says it's yoga that keeps him healthy.
John: Good for him!
* catch up with : ~ 뒤진 것을 만회하다, 따라잡다
* for years : 여러 해 동안, 오랫동안 (for a long time)
ex) She has been teaching here for years. 그녀는 오랫동안 여기서 교편을 잡고 있었다.
* fit : 몸 상태가 좋은, 원기 왕성한, 튼튼한, 적합한
* be responsible for : ~의 원인이 되는
ex) He is responsible for our success. 우리가 성공한 것을 그의 덕택이다.
John: 메이, 오후 어떻게 보냈어? 테드하고 만난다고 하지 않았나?
May: 응, 만났어. 12시쯤 만나서 같이 점심 먹었어. 서로 그 동안 지낸 이야기하느라고 정말 재미있었어.
John: 정말이지, 걔 안 본지가 몇 년은 됐네. 같이 갈 수 있었으면 좋았을텐데.
May: 응, 내가 테드한테 자기가 정말 보고 싶어했는데 못 왔다고 얘기했어. 이해하더라구.
John: 걘 하나도 안 변했디?
May: 변했더라구! 너무 몸이 좋아져서 거의 못 알아볼 뻔했다니까.
John: 정말이야? 걔가 꽤나 뚱뚱했던 걸로 기억하는데.
May: 그랬지. 걔한테 어떻게 그렇게 근육질 몸매를 유지하느냐고 했더니, 자기가 건강한 건 순전히 요가 덕분이라고 하더라.
John: 잘됐네!
요즘 몸이 너무 불어서 큰일이야.